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So, you want to know
about us?

It started out as an idea.

Camp kids. A group of excited, on fire for Jesus kind of people that love camping ministries. They're some of the coolest people around.

But we knew from personal experience that ministry can be a lonely place to be a young person. Whether that's due to location, schedule differences from peers, or just a different focus in life, camp kids have a different way of doing things. 

We believe that connecting these amazing people is a way to encourage all of us in the work of Jesus Christ. We want to share the Gospel, improve the camping ministries we're a part of, and become the next generation that is going to shape the world for the better.

It's a lifestyle. It's a way of thinking.

We want to help camp kids all over the globe remember that they are NOT alone in this. They are a part of a growing community that loves Christian Camping and all that entails - it's time to stand up together and glorify God through what we do!

© 2022 Upon The Rock Christian Camp



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